Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Historic Flood Closes WPL!

Due to forecasts of a record high Cedar River crest of 26' this evening, and widespread street flooding this morning, Waterloo Mayor Tim Hurley has requested that downtown businesses close and leave the area in an "orderly manner. Therefore, the Waterloo Public Library closed early this afternoon until further notice.

The City Engineer has advised the library to move anything of value out of the basement. So, library personnel have relocated all networking devices and items of historical value to upper floors. If we're lucky, and stay dry, the library will be able to reopen or normal business about 4-6 hours after an all-clear. However, if the basement floods, we'll have to assess the damage and do what's necessary to reopen in a safe manner.

Check back Wednesday morning for an update.

c 2008 Waterloo Public Library

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